We wholeheartedly believe that swimming should be fun, but first and foremost, we ensure that students know to take lessons and swim safety seriously. In all our swim programs we share this ideology through lessons to protect them from potential life-threatening situations. Our teaching concept is designed to teach basic safety skills first, followed by stroke development and ultimately, all the elements to becoming a strong swimmer!
Therefore, our 3-step process is: Safety → Stroke → Swim
How do we teach?
Why are floaties never used?
Floaties provide children with a false sense of buoyancy and condition them to kick vertically (which can be dangerous as it does not guarantee safety). Using floaties on your own outside of lessons can also cause regression in swimmer skill level. We only recommend the use of a floaty at the beach or in a crowded water environment. Otherwise, applying the skills we teach in swim lessons during leisure time will help your child succeed!